Not to use the investigative findings for illegal practices.

During the execution of the investigation, we make sure to bring out the authentic information, proofs and evidence which is mostly handed over to the client. It is also mandatory to not to use the collected findings for any illegal purposes by the client. Some serious evidence is only meant to be presented to the legal authorities during the court hearings and to be used to full-fill the personal grudges. It will be an illegal gesture in the eyes of Indian Law.

Not to use the employee information for illegal purposes.

In the corporate investigation, corporate clients are provided with some of the basic details of their employees which should only be used for information purposes and not to harm any candidate’s market goodwill in case the employee is found fraudulent-free. This is important to know that our corporate clients are not allowed to use such information for any illegal purposes.

A client needs to ensure its age as per the law to intervene in the investigative purposes.

There is an age to decide to get into legal affairs by Indian law. It is mandatory for a client to be a Major to intervene in the legal battles. Thus, we request our clients to showcase their true and original date of birth. They can also show their official certificate of Date of Birth.

Client needs to know about the payment ethics.

Clients need to make the complete payment of the investigation prior to the execution of the invention irrespective of favorable or unfavorable results of the same. Also, there is no provision of Refunding the Payment causing any reason to pause the work or mission unsuccessful. Also, the client needs to know that there might be a delay in the case due to any possible reason. But, the payment should not be delayed due to such reasons.

Success of the Case

At Track Eye Private Investigation, we make sure to put optimum time and effort for positive results. On the contrary, the future of the case is also unpredictable which sometimes loosens the possibility of favorable result.also, there can be several reasons for the same such as Complexity of the Case, several loopholes, etc. In such situations, the Track Eye Private Detective Agency does not support any possibility of favorable results.

Authentic Information is expected from Client

It is mandatory that clients strictly need to provide authentic and legal information about anything be it their own basic details or suspect information. We do not entertain any other information which is found illegal or related to duplicacy.

Ethics of Communication

There are set patterns for communication with the Track Eye Private Detective via email or legal ways. We do not entertain any suspicious mode of communication.

Decision Making Attributes

It is requested that every decision during the delicate situations is to be relied on the clients and not to the Track Eye Private Detective. Our investigators are only dedicated to bringing out the truth and the decision is totally yours.

The damage of detectives is subject to adherence the responsibility of client

Amid the process of investigation, it is possible that the investigating officer might face damage in the form of personal injury, damages of other means etc. Those damages are subjected to the responsibility of the client and not to the Track Eye Private Detective.

Dissatisfaction of the Case

At Track Eye Private Detective, we ensure the utmost dedication during the case execution and most of the cases handled by us, have reached positive outcomes. Though, any client is not satisfied with the work, he or she can immediately report to our MD and ensure their concern. It is also to be noted that the client is not allowed to bring forward any negative comments.

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